Thursday, March 16, 2006

What makes a better concubine? Donkey or fish?

Bankroll OnlinePoker SnG

Just a quick update. I've been running pretty well financially, both in poker and business. I'm starting up a small home-based company with a friend of mine which will deal primarily with computer consultation/database management, at least to start. If things go well, we might try to lease a building and hire a few people. I figure that anything like that is at least a couple years down the road, but I'm excited. I'll post the website when we get everything set up.

Poker-wise, it's been interesting. I just started a semi-SnG challenge. Last night, I played 9 SnG's and here's the stats on them:

$10 + 1 10 person SnG

1st - 1
2nd - 3
3rd - 2
4th - 2
5th - 0
6th - 1
7th - 0
8th - 1
9th - 0

Amount Invested/Won: $110 / $180
ITM%: 60%
ROI%: 63%

As acknowledged by reading other blogs, I'm aware that this is an unsustainable average, but it's nice to start off with a bang. :)

I also have been playing a lot of limit (B&M) which is very unusual for me. The group I play with plays SHORT (which is sort of the same thing as HORSE, just in a different order).

Omaha 8 or better
Triple Draw (dealers choice if there are more than 6 players)

Last night, I got kind of drunk while playing, but still managed to crush the table with my loose blind raising, and live straddling. On one hand, we actually managed to get everyone to straddle/re-straddle, around to the button, making the preflop pot 21 small bets before the cards were even dealt. Then of course it was capped and everyone called preflop, putting it somewhere close to 40 small bets I think. Yeah. It was a fun night. And I left with 1.5x my original buyin.

Good times. No more thoughts right now. More to come soon.
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